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Are you curious about the current Quartz Worktops Prices? Complete our Online Quote System!

How can you quickly glean our prices for worktops? Or get the answer to the question ‘which material is cheaper: granite or quartz?’ Head over to our cost calculator and learn for yourself, but prior to that feel free to browse our guide below:

Our Online Quote System – A Step by Step Guide

Polish Granite’s website is perfect for quickly understanding how much you could be paying for your worktop. Our online quotation system is one of the most advanced to date. We incorporated a number of ingenious ideas that serve to make our customers’ lives easier, but also aim to recreate a very precise representation of a manually-done quote, for any project, even the most unique designs. We are currently frontrunners and sole creators of advanced technical, user-friendly solutions that will help to change the way online granite quotes are created . . .


Our company is the only one of the British market which offers an instant 3-colour quotation system. This means that instead of creating three separate online quotes, for three separate colours, the system allows for generation of 3 quotes, for 3 different colours at once. So, instead of spending 5 minutes creating one price plan, in that time you make three.

Instant colour swap 

With our Online Quote system you won’t have to re-do all the steps in order to go back and try another colour. At will you can delete one colour, add another, choose the colours desired thickness, confirm and generate a brand new quotation for the given material.

This is a very user-friendly solution that helps you browse different prices for different colours without having to monotonously rewrite all measurements, re-select all choices or providing personal details. Our customers who like to experiment with vast amounts of colours will especially appreciate this solution.

3D Kitchen visualisation

The Sample Gallery + quotation system is also equipped with a state-of-the art 3D kitchen that is implemented into each colour. This system is present on some other websites, but in a standalone format. I.e. you have to leave the sample gallery/quote to play with it. With our 3D kitchen, you can browse 3D kitchens on every colour at will, then instantly add that to the quote system and once again review the 3D design after you’ve generated your quotes.

It’s probably the best current system on the market, that enables you to digitally choose the colour you really desire. You don’t need to travel to our showroom – the 3D kitchen allows for free manipulation of cabinet and worktop colours, of interpretation of the colours in daylight or nightlight.

The system exists so you can make the right, appropriate choice in terms of worktops, without having any doubts or making the effort to visit us in real life. From your home dinner table, office desk or living room couch, on our website you’ll have all the tools required to create an accurate, reliable quotation for colours you’re sure about.

Over 600 colours & 3 thicknesses

We are one of the few companies in the UK that offers such a vast range of colours for all customers. Our Sample Gallery collection comprises of products from almost twenty granite, quartz and ceramic suppliers. Each product you can browse, read about, view in a 3D kitchen visualisation – but above all, we offer the colours in different thicknesses. That means you’ll be able to generate an accurate price plan for either 12mm, 20mm or 30mm thicknesses for each individual colour.

This is a fantastic solution for those who are curious about price differences between the thicknesses. 20mm is often cheaper than 30mm – so everyone can now manipulate the depth in order to match their budget.

Why’s it worth to have a go at our online quartz and granite quote calculator?

Firstly, you can spare yourself the calls, emails and general chatter with our staff. If this isn’t something you want, and you have only entered this website for a quick inspection on quartz worktops prices, then we offer a great, quick alternative.

Our Quartz Online Quote system has been around for years. We introduced it back in 2009, to allow vast customers generate themselves an estimated price for their worktops related project. Many have said to us that sometimes they don’t have the time to call or email, some are impatient and would rather have a quick cost in front of them, without any interaction. So we thought our Online Quote would be a great solution. That way in less than 5 minutes you can generate your own price plan, whether it is on the train to work, or actually at work behind your computer.

What’s best is that you can play around with different colours, materials, layouts and not feel awkward about taking up our time. Many customers, when they visit in person, or call our landline, feel guilty that they request one or two quotes from us, and they don’t want to push things out of sheer awkwardness. That way they never experiment nor try out new possibilities, and therefore fail to receive that perfect price for that perfect colour. Purchasing granite, quartz or ceramic worktops can be one of the most important purchases you make for your new home – so why not experiment, browse, play around with colours, pricing, thicknesses or worktop additions.

Of course, don’t be mistaken – our staff do not mind creating manual quotes for you, so never be intimidated to ask for more, or precise quotations. However, if sometimes you forget to make a request, or if you have had enough of in-person chit-chat, be mindful that it’s possible to carry out thousands of price combinations on our Quartz and Granite Quote Online.

If your worktops project is complex, or deviates from the standards, contact us directly!

Indeed, our Quote Online system is fairly reliable, and usually generates a near-exact price. But to get to that stage it certainly took us a couple of years to master the system. In fact, we are constantly improving it, adding new features and options. Nonetheless, it is vital to highlight that even now, in rare circumstances the quote won’t show you a 100% accurate price. We’re fairly confident it stands at about 95% accuracy.

There are also limitations to our system, despite it being very advanced already. For example, we have only 7 different kitchen-shapes that are based on the most popular layouts – so if you have a customised, very eccentric kitchen shape, you might need to request a personal quotation from our team.

Likewise, we only showcase the standard edge profile options. And while there are 17 varieties, there are customers who aren’t interested in the standard, and want something truly unique. Once again, if this is the case, we recommend getting in touch with our team.

This is why we always recommend, that if you have any complex project envisioned, i.e. something deviating from usual kitchen worktop standards, be sure to contact us, and after our consultation, we will prepare you an accurate price plan.

Our Online Price Calculator – How to complete it:

Granite Online Quote Step 1


This one is probably the most straightforward. Upon entering the our Sample Gallery, you’ll need to select 1 to 3 colours of your choice. You can slot them in to the Online Quote module by pressing ‘online quote’ on your favourite product. Remember, you can use the numerous filters to narrow the 600+ colour selection to the few that take your fancy. You can also save products to a wishlist by clicking a loveheart on a given product. These products will be saved in the memory of your browser, meaning that you can pick up from where you left of a day, week or even month away.

Remember, you can choose up to three colours at once. A separate price will be generated for each colour at the end of the quote. What’s more, at any stage of the quote you’re free to delete a colour and select another in its stead. At any point during the process, you can reset the whole filtration system either by individually unchecking selected filters in the filtration box or altogether clicking the ‘Reset’ button that wipes everything to a default.



Granite Online Quote Step 2

This is also very basic. Essentially you pick the layout from the selection of shapes that best reflects the floor plan of your kitchen.

It could range from anything, L-shape, to U-shape and L + Island. The only thing required here is to select one of the options which most accurately corresponds to your kitchen’s layout.

Don’t worry if your kitchen does not have a direct equivalent, you can always choose the most-applicable version and all other nuances will be ironed out during our private discussion. We can always manually adjust the quote so that it best responds to your kitchen type.


Granite Online Quote Step 3

In this step you are asked to select all thicknesses of your selected colours. Some colours will be available in 20mm or 30mm, others, particularly the ceramic ranges (Dekton, Neolith) have products available in 12mm.

There are also stones from companies like Silestone that are available in a thickness of 12, 20 and 30mm.

Which thicknesses you choose is completely your choice. You may pick one for each product or even three.


Granite Online Quote Step 4In step 4 you are asked to select a preferred measuring unit, as in STEP 5, you’ll be asked to provide all dimensions for your worktops.

Whether you provide the kitchen surface area in metres, centimetres, inches or millimetres, is completely up to you.

Don’t forget that you can always go back to this step, at any point during the quote process and change the unit. But when you do so, the details provided in STEP 5 will be erased and accordingly, you’ll have to re-do them in the appropriate measurement unit.


Granite online quote Step 5In this step you’ll be asked to provide closer specification of your kitchen measurements. Once you’ve entered those details, you will be asked to highlight the edge polishing. As you can see on the picture to the right, the edges that need a polish are selected in red.

A summary of all your provided sizes is recorded in the columns to the left.

Please bear in mind to adhere to the measuring unit that was selected in the previous step. Providing an inch-equivalent to a millimetre setting may yield astronomical, errored figures at the end of the quotation.


granite online quote Step 6In this step you’ll be asked about the style/type of polishing you’ll want on the exposed side of your worktops.

The standard is Pencil Edge, but as you can see there are vast other complex options.

All of them have a label attached – from least expensive to most expensive. You can use those labels to understand which edging will yield which prices at the end of the quotation process.

After all, an Ogee-Full Bullnose edge profile is very time consuming to produce, and our manual labour is increased significantly. Hence the price differences.


Granite online quote Step 7Step 7 involves the selection of other details involved in the project. Thanks to this specification we’ll be able to determine the labour involved and thus the cost of the project.

For example, on the image you can see options like cut-out for undermounted and overmounted sink cut outs, among other options. There are 13 worktop additions in total, with selections like windowsills, side panels, splashbacks and even LED grooving available.

What you pick is entirely your preference.

Please bear in mind that you can flick through photos for each detail and even read some exclusive information by hovering over the [?] icon.


Granite Online Quote Step 8Step 8 is probably the simplest of them all and deals with filling out personal information.

We require these details, such as your name and email to contact you back regarding the quote. Keeping your basic information in our system will also allow us to locate you quickly should you come back to us in the future.

Once you fill out your required details, be sure that you also select your templating and installation location in the ‘County’ field. Every county in the UK is listed – so you’ll be able to select the one most appropriate. Please bear in mind the counties are precise not general. For example, you have North, East, South, West Yorkshire rather than simply ‘Yorkshire’. A county that big needs to be separated into regions so we understand better where to travel. This format follows suit with every other county.

Specifying your preferred installation date is also vital for our staff. The dating doesn’t have to be exact – approximate dating is welcome. We require that to understand which customers  will require immediate assistance. Should you select an installation date as two weeks from quote completion, we’ll know to reach out as soon as.


Granite Online Quote Step 9The quotation system terminates at step 9. At last you’ll be presented with one to three quotes that are ravelled on the right side. You may open each quote up and browse the details + pricing. You can also switch between the thicknesses at the top of each quote to gauge the varied costs.

The final, VAT inclusive cost is included at the bottom of each quote. By the right side, a 3D Kitchen button can be clicked – by doing so a window will open up with the visualiser of your selected material.

Remember that at any point you can simply delete a colour from the ‘chosen colours’ module on the left hand side, and thereafter click on the [+] icon in place of the missing colour. The quotation will take you back to the Sample Gallery, where you’ll be free to choose any other product.


The granite, ceramic or quartz worktops prices should always be reasonable, unless you have selected a grand amount of options for your extraordinarily big kitchen. Polish Granite’s costs are very competitive – and remember, we delivery & install our products across the whole of UK!

If you notice any flaws, discrepancies, or if the price really exceeds your expectations, please get back in touch with us and we’ll fix the quote for you. We usually flick through them all anyway and revise them, if the need arises, but if we miss something, or if you seek a more bespoke project, don’t hesitate to contact our customer service.

We hope that this step-by-step guide to our Online Quote system has been useful, and that now you’ll be able to generate as many quartz worktops prices as you need at your leisure.