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Granite home gifts – find out our favourites for housewarming gifts

Have you ever thought of granite or quartz as anything else other than granite worktops? If so, there’s probably a collection of other things that come to your mind, such as headstones, curbs and pavements, wall claddings or flooring.

But that’s not the end of possible granite applications. Granite kitchen worktops and all aforementioned products are only a small selection of stone-based gift-potentials. It doesn’t come as a surprise if you think of granite properties. High durability, impossibility to scratch, resistance to a variety of harmful factors – they all make granite accessories extremely practical. What’s more, it’s not only the practicality that matters here – it’s more about the overall granite’s appearance. A wide range of granite’s colours, underlying veining, and structure make it such an exquisite rock.

As such there’s no surprise that granite can be easily turned into wonderful home accessories, not always practical. Granite gifts are gaining momentum now – with rapid technological advancement and development of creative thought, there are no limits to inventions using granite as their source material. Granite housewarming gifts are so popular because they use such an exquisite natural rock as their material. Generally, granite gifts can take two forms – they are either practical accessories such as granite pen drives or they are purely impractical and serve only aesthetic needs like jewellery.

Granite gifts – unusual ideas for your new home

The possibility of turning raw granite rock into sophisticated granite gifts are endless. The constantly growing precision of granite processing machines and cutters makes it possible to design and later actually make even the most detailed projects. Small granite exclusive offers requiring a lot of precise cutting and forming aren’t an issue. What are the most common granite gifts for a new home you can find? Think for example of personalised granite ice cubs, or whisky stones as a gift. They serve a very practical purpose – they need to keep whiskey cold. They are very functional since in contrast to real ice cubes they don’t melt and don’t dilute the drink and manage to keep it cold.Stone pebbles for garden

Other interesting granite housewarming gifts are connected with the business area. Think of such favourites gifts as exquisite pendrives with eye-catching granite layers, granite pens or key rings. Simple gift yet turned into something unusual with granite. Finally, let’s not forget about romantic and highly impractical side of granite home gifts – granite jewellery. The most common examples here are granite pendants, necklaces or rings that give you the best possible experience. Other more unusual things can be granite stones turned into the shape of heart or any other things. These are just a few examples of highly popular granite gifts for every house. Yet, they aren’t everything – there’s much more.

Look for our inspiration and order a housewarming gift with free delivery

Although, at first sight granite gifts for new home may seem as a little too much, as things where content is unnecessarily dominated by form it’s not really the case. The artistry and craftsmanship that are embedded in unique granite gifts are truly amazing. Although, precise tools and machines make it possible to create even the smallest detailed forms and elements, still it’s the skill and creative imagination that play the most important role in the design of your new home.