Quartz worktops Sale Trafford – match up your choices
Operating areas:
Quartz worktops Sale Greater Manchester – the close proximity to Salford is a benefit
With Sale, Trafford being just around the corner from Salford (where our company is based), those located in this historical town are highly encouraged to visit our showroom. Mainly because our showroom is filled with numerous stone samples that you could inspect in person – ceramic, quartz, granite and all hues of such materials are available. Our showroom is renowned for the amount of options we have displayed. With each entering customer being awe-struck at the abundance of choice.

Quartz worktops Sale Trafford – match up your choices
In addition, if we have enough spare samples in store, we’ll provide you the ones that appealed to you, so that you could take them home and compare them against your cabinets or the floor. That way you could see which material fits in the best and is the most favourable match i.e. what colour proves to have finest aesthetics, which creates the most contrast or blend etc. All of these factors must be considered before you make the big decision, and it’s best if you are in possession of the material sample prior to the final purchase.
Quartz worktops Sale Manchester – contact us
If you want us to prepare you some samples, feel free to get in touch and let us know when you’d be thinking of visiting. We’ll have them at the ready, and if you request it sooner, even order some in for you to keep. Our showroom is generally open Mon-Sat. 9-5pm, with exception on Saturdays, when we close around 1pm. This leaves you a lot of time to come see us and have a thorough look around. If you work or live in Sale, we’re located merely 20mins from the town’s centre, so even if you were to come at lunchtime, or straight after work it wouldn’t take up too much time to drive up.
Once you do arrive, our team of experts (specialising in the field of interior design) will be able to help you with any enquiries. If you’re struggling with your choice, or you’re lacking any conceptualisation & colour pairing skills, we’ll be happy to lend you a hand and pick out some perfect granite, ceramic or quartz worktops Sale Greater Manchester.
Visit us on our address: Unit J4 Cassidy Court, Kansas Avenue, Manchester m50 2GE
Why Polish Granite delivers best stone service in Greater Manchester:
Being located in the heart of Manchester, only 2 minutes from Salford Quays, allows us to be in range and close proximity to all customers around Greater Manchester. With approximately only 25-35 minutes of drive to the edges of Bolton, Rochdale, Stockport and Trafford we can be with our customers any time. This is why if, for example, you are located in Trafford, and you’ll need some quartz worktops Sale Greater Manchester delivered to your home, then we can be at your property for templating either the same or following day of your order. Not only that, we’ll make sure that our service will be quick and precise.
Being located in the heart of Manchester
Only 2 minutes from Salford Quays, allows us to be in range and close proximity to all customers around Greater Manchester. With approximately only 25-35 minutes of drive to the edges of Bolton, Rochdale, Stockport and Trafford we can be with our customers any time. This is why if, for example, you are located in Trafford, and you’ll need some quartz worktops Sale Greater Manchester delivered to your home, then we can be at your property for templating either the same or following day of your order. Not only that, we’ll make sure that our service will be quick and precise.
Templating service
Our templating service entails placement of thin wooden strips on top of your cabinets which are then glued together so the most accurate measurements can be taken. In other words, we physically draw out the shape of your walls, cabinets, little bends and imperfections. Everything is stored in form of our templates. So when it comes to cutting, and delivering the worktop pieces to your property, there won’t be any issues with installations. No gaps, no miscalculations, no shortage of material – because our templating methods are reliable and unfillable. Polish Granite always makes sure that you are happy with our services from start to finish, so we try to eliminate as many problems and obstacles before they even arise.
Free quote
But before the templating even begins, our showroom team will provide you with a quotation. Our quotation system has also been commended by customers and contractors alike. Our price plans are clear, comprehensible and don’t hide any secr
Solving the Expense debate:
Are quartz worktops worth purchasing? Are they worth the price? Are they truly as marvellous as everyone claims them out to be? – These are only some of the questions posed by customers we encounter in our showroom, or elsewhere. This curiosity is vital, in the end, people are prepared to spend a tidy sum on a decorative, and practical, material. Thus it’s understandable they want to know what the money is actually spent on, and whether the spending is worth it. But what is the answer of the experts?
First of all, stone worktops as a whole are very sturdy materials. If you’ve ever thought that wood, laminate or metal worktops are tough & durable materials, then we’re glad to inform you that stone worktops are surpassing all of the said surfaces. Stone isn’t only heat proof, but also incredibly scratch resistant. They are impregnated with a protective sealer from the start and some quartz suppliers even coat their quartz slabs with an anti-bacterial surface, which prevents any unwanted germs from creeping in, but also aids to maintain the worktops clean and hygienic.
What’s more, the longevity of the material is one of the biggest attributes of quartz, granite and ceramic alike. Once purchased they are able to withstand for years and years in the same condition, without a hint of wearing or colour fading. Some of our past customers, who purchased material from us over 12 years ago e.g. quartz worktops Sale, Trafford, Manchester, got in touch with us of late to let us know that their surfaces are still shining like they’re brand new. If protected, cared for and regularly maintained, you’re looking at a lifetime purchase, which at any rate is worth every penny.
Last but not least, stone worktops possess one more attribute. If chipping or scratching does, in rare occasions, occur, then the worktops can be easily fixed – so to speak. A bit of epoxy, dye, granulated stone-powder and the worktops can look brand new again, whereas the damage done to metal and laminates will never vanish, even if attempts at fixing are made.
The points above reflect only some of the virtues of granite, ceramic and quartz worktops, which proves that a slightly higher price is very much worth it. After all, it’s an ageless, worthy purchase, brimming with positive qualities and little to no negatives. Forget about needing to exchange your worktops every few years for newer products, forget about stressing about your worktop being damaged, with stone you will be sated for a lifetime.
What can be found in our showroom?
If you live in Trafford, and you’d love to get some granite, ceramic or quartz worktops Sale Greater Manchester then visit our showroom where you’ll find all the help you need to make your decision:
- Within our showroom you will find an array of samples from all kinds of suppliers. Among many others, the likes of Levantina granite, Neolith ceramic, Silestone quartz etc. are all stored on our shelves. We have over 400 samples constantly displayed – a plethora of colours, intricate patterns, veined/blemished or sparkly elements. More importantly, a lot of them are available for you to take home and keep, so that you can compare the material against your kitchen cabinets or flooring to inspect whether the worktops would be a satisfying match or a perfect fit for your kitchen.
- Apart from samples, much of our showroom is actually decorated with genuine worktops or larger stone-elements. For instance, our flooring is cladded entirely with Shivakashi granite tiles, our kitchen has a white Glaciar quartz worktop and even side panels made from the same material. Our office desk is wrought entirely out of grey Gris Expo quartz, as are the side panels and some shelves. Lastly, most of our rear wall is cladded with grey Beton ceramic from Neolith. That’s why the showroom is pretty compact, but there is enough showcased to allow you to build a picture of what life with stone worktops could look like. And it’s not just the samples that allow you to make this decision, but also bigger realisations. In the end, it’s one thing to see a small 10cm/10cm sample, and another to visualise the true form of stone i.e. a full-scale projects like a kitchen worktops or cladding. We try and provide our customers as much physical evidence of our work and the materials we deal with as possible, so that when they enter our vicinity, all doubts and queries will be quenched.
- Our showroom is also in possession of a TV which exhibits hundreds of photos in form of a slideshow showing all our recently completed projects. Kitchen stone worktops, tables, stairs, wall/ceiling/floor cladding – the slideshow plays the pictures/videos on a loop and allows the customers to behold the effect of our hard work and commitment. Apart from that we have a number of catalogues with a variety of sinks or stone tools & chemical cleaning products. All ready for you to glance through and even take home.
Apart from the small samples, do we showcase full slabs?
Indeed, the I-Frame outside our workshop is always filled with full 3m/1.6m slabs, where both granite, ceramic and quartz worktops are stored. You are welcome to come visit them and explore how the materials appear in full-size and in natural light. After all, in many cases little samples lack the ability to fully reflect the true nature of the big-scale material, especially it’s brimming with widespread and irregular patterns like veins. If however, the material is full of regularly-dispersed mirror-chips, then it’s obvious what to expect. Therefore in some instances it’s worth checking out how the material presents itself before it is cut into worktops.
Likewise, if samples aren’t enough to convince you about a specific material, we can always contact you when a slab of your desired quartz is delivered to our workshop. If you’re not in a hurry, we’ll invite you over so you could check the slab out for yourself. For example, a lot of customers wish to see quartzes like the marble-lookalike Calacatta in full slab versions. This is because it is filled with vein-like patterns that are spread across a wide area, and aren’t clustered like the standard grains of Luna quartz. As such, it is difficult to reflect all characteristics and main complexion of some materials on a smaller sample – only bigger size will allow proper visualisation.
Alternatively, if the material you chose is quite rare, and slabs aren’t often delivered to our workshop, we can always book you an appointment at our suppliers’ warehouse where you may inspect a slab of your choice. It’s even possible to pick a specific slab on the spot, choosing its unique code, to be delivered to us where manufacturing will begin. Of course, if you’re from Manchester e.g. you’re after quartz worktops Sale Trafford, then companies like Cosentino are conveniently located in Stretford, merely just around the corner. However, to see slabs from other suppliers like Compac you’d have to drive to Wakefield, Northampton to B-Stone, Rhotheram to visit Levantina.
Albeit, none of these travels are always necessary. Thankfully our offcut section is now so extensive, that we can showcase the nature of a lot of materials on much bigger samples. Simply call our showroom, email us or come in to find out if we’re in possession of offcuts from the material you’re after.

Granite worktops Sale Trafford, Manchester – Why our worktops are flawless?
Working with only the best suppliers
Our slabs are not only supplied with certification of origin i.e. countries like India, Brazil, Spain, Norway etc. They themselves are provided by the best suppliers on the European market. Cosentino, Fugen, Compac, Levantina, Neolith, you name it. These are the best and most trusted suppliers of stone from around the world. Most even produce their own quartz worktops that have unique properties and have been enjoying a lot of popularity across the European stone market. If you’re considering some granite or quartz worktops for your house, be sure to contact us, as we’ve been partnered up with the said companies for many years now, and through gaining each other’s trust we receive very attractive discounts from each one of them. Moreover most of these companies offer certification and guarantee for each product they sell. Each product is coded, tested to see if it isn’t faulty and examined for imperfections – allowing you to sleep well at night knowing that you’ve made the right choice about your quartz or granite worktops.
Our Slab Examination Policy
We follow a strict policy of checking each slab that arrives at our workshop. In the end, sometimes the suppliers manage to miss some defects, so for certainty we make sure that they are in perfect condition before they land on our cutting machine. We examine them for flaws, breaks, bends, defects – essentially any signs of deficiencies, so that when the granite, ceramic or quartz worktops are installed, the imperfections don’t cause you any distaste. This inspection process happens before any work (i.e. cutting/polishing) is undergone, so we still have a chance of replacing the slab if any faults are noticed.
When it comes to quartz, we very rarely obtain materials that our faulty. This is because these are strictly man-made products, and thus the manufacturers assure they supply well-nigh faultless products, to us and customers across the UK. Nonetheless, at times the need for slab exchange arises, most commonly due to slabs being unnaturally curved or bent. If left alone it is unlikely that anything serious would betide, but the chance of the worktops breaking could increase e.g. if they’re a subject to a lot of pressure. It also disrupts our work flow and may cause incidents during our manufacturing process. Bent slabs are also more likely to break when cut. They are also difficult to manage during installations, hindering our joining process and upstand installations. Which is why if we spot any curvature, we immediately request a replacement to assure you the best installation of granite worktops Sale in Greater Manchester.
Ceramics are also materials that are rarely diagnosed with defects. This is because most of the time they are provided in a slated texture and with plain colours. As such, any minor defects are easy to spot and suppliers assure that faulty slabs do not find themselves on delivery lorries. Although the occasional staining or scratching might be perceived, and only when a bright light is run through the slab. Which is why secondary inspections for these materials are crucial – because a problem may be left unintentionally neglected and cutting will commence, bringing the company financial losses in case the slabs will need replacement.
Unfortunately granites and marbles are most prone to imperfections. Being organic materials, it’s just in their nature, so the occasional holes, cracks and blemishes must be accepted. Most natural materials (like Blue Pearl, Tan Brown, Ubatuba, Star Galaxy) are brimming with minerals and other organic complexes, so when a batch of stone is neatly cut into slabs, it’s bound that it will be left with imperfections. It is, after all, compressed volcanic rock, held together solely by pressure and organic adhesives. Nonetheless, for many years now we’ve followed the supplementing practices recommended by suppliers. Namely that the imperfections can be concealed with the use of specialised epoxy glue and pigments, so that they become almost unnoticeable. Whereas the more fragile materials are supported from underneath with iron beams, significantly increasing their sturdiness. That way we can deliver your granite worktops Sale in Trafford, Manchester directly to your home, assuring that their composition is pristine and worktop-worthy.
Our Professional Workforce
If you’re considering choosing us as your provider of granite worktops Sale located in Trafford, Manchester you needn’t worry about the way we work. Our manufacturing team is composed of men who are sheer professionals in the field of masonry. Each of them has at least 20 years of experience with stone-work. Cutting, polishing, grinding, melding, fixing, constructing – these are merely some of the tasks our men are capable of completing to the highest standards. They are an experienced group, with plenty of certificates and achievements proving their exceptional skill. Their biggest aim is to always strive towards achieving most profound projects that will be admired and appreciated by our customers for years to come.
With very few errors on the record and clean-sheet of splendid projects already ticked off, we can be proud of the workforce we’ve built over the years. With great dedication, precision and effort put towards every piece of stone we strive to achieve perfection, and as a result we’ve never received complaints or bad reviews. Our success rate currently stands at 100%; our testimonials speak for themselves!
And lets not forget about our outstanding fitters who are experts at assuring your kitchen is fit for withstanding the worktops. First they will level your cabinets with keen accuracy and carry the heavy-weight materials in. Afterwards they’ll be able to use their colour palette and prowess to colour mixing/matching in order to create almost seamless joins. Upon finishing, they will silicon all the gaps (between your wall and worktop/upstand) and clean your worktops so that ultimate, mirror-like, polish is achieved – assuring that you are left with a magnificent product which will serve you for years and years to come.
To conclude: with our amazing slabs, endeavour to reach perfection, utilisation of masterful skill during production, and phenomenal fitting service, we are able to deliver you craft which we, and you, can be fondly proud of.
Polish Granite worktops Sale in Trafford – The best worktop prices in Greater Manchester
If you’ve already managed to explore our prices, for example you’ve completed our Quote Online, you should realise that our prices and charges and very reasonable. Many customers of ours who receive our prices are amazed at how little we charge for the entire, start-to-finish service. Why is that?
Great relationship with suppliers
Well, mainly because of our fantastic contacts with many major stone suppliers across the UK. With some of them we get as much as 25% off slabs, which themselves can be very expensive. Therefore our material prices are instantly lowered – we never discount the prices for ourselves, we apply the benefit to all our customers, granted, if they choose the suppliers that offer the lower prices in the first place. We consistently try to highlight these companies to clients who enter our showroom, instantly making them aware that attractive prices can be achieved if certain suppliers (and their materials) are elected.
Secondly, because of our fantastic supplier-manufacturer relationship, we also get a lot of free deliveries for the materials. Usually suppliers charge stone manufacturers for delivering the material to their workshop, we often get it for free.
No unnecessary charges
Thirdly, we charge just enough to cover the costs of labour and material, and keep limited profit for ourselves, only enough to keep our company going. Charging our customers extreme, unnecessarily high prices is not our objective, and it never will be, even in times of crisis. Our prices have been consistent and reliable over the last 12 years and thanks to this we were able to beat competitive companies on multiple occasions.
High efficiency
Lastly, our mindset to work has always been to maintain maximum effort and maximum efficiency. We do not waste the excess material from slabs, but use it to sell offcuts. We do not delay or purposely neglect the tasks we ought to complete, but carry them out straight away according to the work planner. Our organised, logical productivity allows us to reach the desired efficiency. Furthermore, because we cooperate with experienced employees, there is very little human error caused during the manufacturing/installation processes. As a result we save a lot of costs, allowing ourselves to lower the prices enough to make them very appealing and enticing.